Walkthrough: Defining KPIs for a Cube [AX 2012]


To complete this walkthrough, you will need:

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX with sample data
  • The MyCustomers cube from  Creating Cubes [AX 2012] Post.
  • SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) or SQL Server Data Tools
  • Configure Analysis Services by running the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard

Defining a KPI for Inventory Quantity

To display your KPI in a Business Overview web part on a role center, you must define value, goal, status, and trend expressions for the KPI. If you exclude one of the expressions, the KPI will not display properly.

To create a KPI for Inventory Quantity

  1. In BIDS, open the Analysis Services project that contains the Sales analysis cube, and then double-click MyCustomers .cube.
  2. Click the KPIs tab.
  3. On the toolbar for the KPIs tab, click New KPI. A form displays that allows you to define the KPI.
  4. For the Name field, type Customer sales.
  5. For the Value Expression field, type the following expression.

[Measures].[Total customer sales Count]

This expression retrieves the quantity in inventory units.


You can drag measures from the Metadata tab of the Calculation Tools pane to help you create expressions.

  1. For the Goal Expression field, type the following expression.


This expression identifies the goal for the inventory quantity.

  1. For the Status indicator field, select Gauge from the drop-down list.
  2. For the Status expression field, type the following expression.
[Measures].[Total customer sales Count] >= 7500
Then 1
[Measures].[Total customer sales Count] < 7500
[Measures].[Total customer sales Count] > 6500
Then 0


This expression provides a basis to evaluate progress toward meeting the goal. The graphic that displays for status of the KPI depends on what value this expression evaluates to.

  1. For the Trend indicator field, select Standard arrow from the drop-down list.
  2. For the Trend expression field, type the following expression.
[Measures].[Total customer sales Count] >= 3000
Then 1
[Measures].[Total customer sales Count] < 3000

Then -1

This expression provides a basis to evaluate the status in some historical context. The graphic that displays for the trend of the KPI depends on what value this expression evaluates to. Typically, the trend expression would evaluate the current status relative to a previous status.

To view the KPI

  1. On the Build menu, click Deploy Dynamics AX MyCustomers .

clip_image001[2]Note: The name of the database may vary.

  1. On the toolbar for the KPIs tab, click Browser View. The KPI displays in the list.

30 database entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) for tables of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Announcing the AxERD site: Database Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
The new "AxERD" website is now online! This site contains about 30 ERDs for the most-used tables in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. The AxErd site has all the foreign key information sorted and gathered together in one place. For any table, you can retrieve a list of the child or parent tables with one click. Visit the AxERD site today and let us know what you think: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=296623.

Dynamics AX 2012 - Developing Secure Mobile Apps

Updated Version of "Developing Secure Mobile Apps" White Paper Now Available
This white paper describes how to develop mobile client apps to communicate with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 from phone or tablet platforms. Mobile apps can enable a wide variety of business processes, such as submitting expense reports and timesheets, to be conducted from anywhere. This document provides a walkthrough of a sample app for employee expense capture.

Test Data Transfer Tool for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

technet.microsoft.com and other sources
Microsoft has released the beta version of Test Data Transfer Tool for Dynamics AX 2012. Which is applies to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
This tool is a command-line tool that exports data from a Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 transaction database in a production or non-production environment. The tool also imports data into a Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 business database in a non-production environment. The non-production environment can be either a development or test environment. Microsoft strongly recommends not use this tool to import data into a production environment.
The Test Data Transfer Tool (beta) is a powerful tool for importing and exporting data. The test data transfer tool is useful when we required to import large set of data into other environment (Non production), move data in different environments with similar customization's and when data version is required. You must run the tool directly from the system that is hosting the database during import.

Microsoft Releases New Dynamics AX App for iPhone

Microsoft has released a new Dynamics AX iPhone app for use with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2.
This application enables you to capture your expense transactions and receipt information. This application also allows you to create and submit timesheets. The information captured with this application will be available when you enter or update an expense report and/or timesheets in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2. If your organization uses Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and has enabled these features, you will be notified by your system administrator.
You can download Dynamics AX from the App Store for free.
Read More


AX2012 Workflow Apps and Features

Some very cool upcoming features for workflow in Dynamics AX 2012. I reviewed it this morning and was very encouraged to see the direction that workflow is going in. Workflow should make users lives simpler and more streamlined and the features highlighted will certainly go a long way in accomplishing this goal

Ax 2012 R2 Hotfix for Compile Time needs Schema Update

Just a quick note on the hotfix that was released quite a while ago to improve compile times on R2. Many blogs including the official Microsoft one linked directly to the hotfix, and many people have installed it immediately with no result. What many people don't seem to know (and honestly in my own haste to try it out I did the same thing at first) is that you need to update your model store schema to benefit from the improvements which included new indexes in the model store.
So, if you have installed the hotfix (KB2844240), make sure to run "axutil schema" on the model store to actually make the changes take effect!

Source Joris dG