Set the .NET Business Connector proxy account

Some components require that the .NET Business Connector be configured to connect to Microsoft Dynamics AX with a proxy account. The use of a proxy enables the .NET Business Connector to connect on behalf of Microsoft Dynamics AX users when authenticating with an AOS instance.

The Business Connector proxy is a Microsoft Windows domain account that is configured from the initialization checklist, or in the Administration > Setup > Security > System accounts form.

Work with a system administrator to create a new account for the Business Connector before you install it. We recommend that the account be set up as follows:

  • Must be a Windows domain account

  • Must be a dedicated account (used only by Business Connector)

  • Must have a password that does not expire

  • Must not have interactive logon rights

  • Must not be a Microsoft Dynamics AX user.



If a malicious user learns the Business Connector proxy credentials (name and password), that user could gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, and potentially damage the Microsoft Dynamics AX application. For this reason, only Microsoft Dynamics AX administrators should know the proxy credentials.

To set up and configure the Business Connector proxy, you must perform the following steps.

  1. Create the proxy account in Active Directory.

  2. Add the proxy account to the IIS local Windows group.

  3. Configure the IIS application pool.

  4. Install the .NET Business Connector.

  5. Specify the Business Connector proxy user in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Create the proxy account in Active Directory

  1. Create a unique user in Active Directory in the form domain\username, for example, domain\bcproxy. This user must not have the same name as an existing Microsoft Dynamics AX user. For the procedure to add a new user, see the Active Directory documentation.

  2. Assign a password to the user.

  3. Select the Password does not expire option.

  4. Select the No interactive logon rights option.

  5. Close Active Directory.

Add the proxy account to the IIS local Windows group

For Web applications, you must add the Business Connector proxy account to the IIS local Windows group. If you are using Windows SharePoint Services, you must also add the account to the Windows SharePoint Services local Windows group.

  1. Open the Computer Management application (Start > Administrative Tools > Computer Management).

  2. Expand the Groups folder under Local Users and Groups.

  3. Add the Business Connector proxy account to the following groups:

    • IIS_WPG (IIS Worker Process Group)

    • STS_WPG (STS Worker Process Group), if running Windows SharePoint Services

Specify the Business Connector proxy user in Microsoft Dynamics AX

  1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX (Start > All Programs > Microsoft Dynamics > Microsoft Dynamics AX).

  2. Open the System service accounts form: Administration > Setup > Security > System service accounts.

  3. In the Business Connector Proxy section of the form, enter the alias and the domain of the user.

  4. Click OK.

How to control the visibility of FactBox on form thru X++

Before discussing the code, let me point out that this is not recommended, since the user should have control over the visibility of FactBoxes so your design should always take this into consideration; Having said that, if you for some reason want to control the visibility, here’s how to do it:

void toggleFormPartVisibility(boolean _isVisible = false)


    PartList                partList;

    FormRun                 formPart;

str                     formName;

int                     counter;

    partList = new PartList(element);

//formName is the name of the form that the factbox is referring to.

    formName = formStr(SomeFormPart);

for(counter = 1; counter <= partList.partCount(); counter++)


if(partList.getPartById(counter).name() == formName)


            formPart = partList.getPartById(counter);






Other properties can also be accessed this way, e.g. if you want to refresh the FormPart’s data source:



This will cause some performance issues due to extra RPC calls, so you should have a good reason to take this approach.

Experiment with the other properties and share how it goes.

Dynamics ax 2012 Client Application Feature

The client application is a 32-bit Windows application that provides a rich user interface for the Microsoft Dynamics AX application. The client is typically used
by employees within the organization. You can use Enterprise Portal for browser based access by external users or for users who do not require the rich user
interface offered by the Windows client.
Your network must meet the minimum requirements for latency and bandwidth to get proper performance from the client. Because of the volume of
communication that passes between the client and the server, you might experience diminished response time if your network does not meet the minimum

The client provides the following functionality:
Rich user interface:
The client is a Windows application with a rich user interface consisting of forms, menus, and controls. The client includes over 3,000
forms built using a combination of metadata and X++ code. The Microsoft Dynamics AX forms use X++ to process events and business logic. Forms can
host managed WinForms or Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) controls, and X++ can interoperate with managed (.NET) classes and assemblies.
The MorphX development environment:
The development environment is integrated into the client application. Authorized developers can use the MorphX
development environment to enhance or customize the Microsoft Dynamics AX application.

Integration with Microsoft Office:
The Microsoft Dynamics AX application integrates with Microsoft Office. Data in grids can be exported to Microsoft
Excel, where that data can be formatted, manipulated, refreshed, modified, and saved back into Microsoft Dynamics AX. You can integrate Microsoft Outlook®
with the CRM module to synchronize schedules and tasks bi-directionally.
Unified communications:
The client provides integrated unified communications using Microsoft Office Communicator. Key forms and controls
are presence-aware for contacts and employees. These forms and controls also provide a visual indicator of the availability of contacts. Users can also use realtime
messaging such as instant messaging and outbound voice communication.
Integration with the Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI):
TAPI is a Windows standard interface for integration between telephone systems and Windows-based software. For example, your application displays
information about the caller when you receive a call. The Microsoft Dynamics AX client supports TAPI.
The Microsoft Dynamics AX application provides reports based on SSRS.

How to: Open a Development Workspace AX 2012

Imparted from Here

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, by default, the client opens in an Application Workspace. As a developer, you may prefer to open the Microsoft Dynamics AX client directly into a Development Workspace.
To open a Development Workspace, a developer license key is required, and the installation checklist must be completed. No more than eight workspaces per client can be opened at the same time.
This topic describes:
  • How to open a Development Workspace from the Application Workspace.
  • Three methods to directly start the client in a Development Workspace.
  • A code example to open a Development Workspace using X++.
To open a Development Workspace from the Application Workspace
  • Click Windows > New Development Workspace. A Development Workspace opens in a new window.
    You can also press CTRL+Shift+W to open a Development Workspace.
To open a Development Workspace by configuration
  1. Click Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Configuration. The Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility window opens.
  2. On the General tab, click Manage, and then click Create configuration.
  3. On the Create Configuration form, enter a name for the configuration in the Configuration name field, and then click OK. The Create Configuration form closes and you return to the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility window.
  4. On the General tab, in the Command to run at application startup field, enter -development, and then click OK to save the new configuration. The settings will apply the next time you open the Microsoft Dynamics AX client.
To open a Development Workspace using the command line
  1. On the taskbar, click Start, and then click Run.
  2. In the Open field, enter cmd, and then click OK.
  3. At the command prompt, type the following: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\Bin\Ax32.exe" -development
To create a shortcut to open a Development Workspace
  1. In Windows Explorer, right-click the Ax32.exe file in your Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 client installation, and then click Create Shortcut. By default, this file is located in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\Bin directory. A new shortcut named Shortcut to Ax32.exe is created.
  2. Right-click Shortcut to Ax32.exe, and then click Properties. The Shortcut to Ax32.exe Properties window opens.
  3. On the Shortcut tab, in the Target field, enter -development after the path to the Ax32.exe file. The Target field should resemble "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\Bin\Ax32.exe" -development.
  4. Click OK to save the shortcut. You can move and rename the shortcut as needed.

You can also open a Development Workspace directly from X++ code. For example, you can add a customized button in the Application Workspace to open a Development Workspace. The following X++ code can be used to open a Development Workspace.
static void OpenDevWorkspace(Args _args)
{     int hWorkspace;     hWorkspace = infolog.createDevelopmentWorkspaceWindow();

Dynamics AX 2012 Hands on Labs

Dynamics AX 2012 X++ Editor

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 for Developers

Delete User Layer with AX 2012 Management Shell

This is going to be a short post about how to delete a user layer from the model store in AX 2012.

to delete a user layer from the model you first need to install theManagement Tools from your AX 2012 setup. Once this is done, you can access the Microsoft Dynamics AX Management Shell and write the following script:

axutil delete /layer:Usr

See the picture below for more details:

As you can see, deleting a layer is not difficult at all and it happens fairly quick too. Also, it is very important that you have a backup of the databasebefore performing this action.